The following are the 3 group set of Widget Settings.
- General – It’s the set of settings that are responsible on what are going to display on the widget. Widget Settings are not always the same as the other Widgets.
- Common:
- Label
- Placeholder
- Description
- Sub Description
- Tip
- Unique per Input Widget:
- Checkbox:
- Choices
- Radio Button:
- With Description
- Choices
- Boolean:
- Left/Right Label
- Left/Right Value
- Currency:
- Prefix
- Date & Datetime:
- Timezone
- Select:
- Choices
- Multiple
- Chip
- Clearable
- Searchable
- Checkbox:
- Common:
- Validation – It’s the set of settings where you could modify the validation needed for Inputs on the selected widget.
- Common:
- Required
- Unique per Input Widget:
- Text & Textarea:
- Min Length
- Max Length
- Number & Currency:
- Min Value
- Max Value
- Date
- Min Date
- Max Date
- Datetime
- Min Datetime
- Max Datetime
- Text & Textarea:
- Common:
- Advance – We don’t suggest to modify anything on this section unless really needed.
- Reference ID – It would be the one assigning IDs for each widget and should be unique.